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this game is cool i was here since the first one i like it really best good games

It has been 2 years and no update

me to fun with ragdolls is good fun game

this game is really cool but i have some things for you to add:

  • cars (either in sandbox campaign or both)
  • stumbling (bumped into and dragged)
  • death screen (because why not)
  • more spawnable stuff (please make it so i can spawn stuff in sandbox mode)
  • enemies and combat system

I LOVE THIS GAME but u need to add mouse log bro and more levels and online future and creater mode

We need a downloadable version for people with bad browsers, such as myself.

(2 edits)

give me that shit

*steals image*



great game, more levels pls




also the game

names simmaler


i liked everyone's comment


add mouse lock


hey dirt how was the holiday


This is actually a fun game. But my cursor keeps going out the screen




Depending on your computers peformance it can take quite a while to load.


oh ok


Why is loading screen in your game in macbook take forever i been watching the loading screen for hours how

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

won't fucking load,i mean i know its big,and i know this is also due to the fact I'm trying to run this on a chromebook,but,i thought it would have a more html5-like  loading time,anyways,i know its a great game,because of the screenshots/videos,so this isn't hate,i don't even know why I'm commenting,anyways,great game,oh wait,it loaded,GREAT GAME,AMAZED!!!1!1!!!!!!


would like to know did you make a mouse lock yet not trying to be mean just want to know


I forgot that :/ ill do it in the next update. I would allso need to make a esc menu if i want taht to propperly work. Im not sure when i will start to work on the next update, it might take some time.


ill be the test subject if you want me too


ill give you a little update, i won't be able to work on the game for a long time. im my holliday im going to go away so won't be able to, i will however update the demo soon as i added a verry big new map and implemented alot of new sandbox features. im most likely not going to work alot more on the levels as i think that sandbox games are amazing.




you been away for a month

are you ok?

i think he died 


you almost done?

(2 edits) (+2)

No, didn't even start infact. I have alot of tests this week so i wont do it soon but the next break ill prob make lots of progress. 

The break starts in 2 weeks


its been exactly 2 weeks

G E T     T O     W O R K

(1 edit) (+1)

Bruh just posted a new devlong yesterday, you can see it in the devlog section above the comments. It includes a new biggg map :)




sooooo epic








so what should we add


thank you


hey you should make another one like these dirt ive been looking for ragdoll game and you saved me so make one with guns and dummys 


This game is not done yet and i will ad guns eventually, there might be another demo in like 1 month


oh ok good point


its almost a month are you almost done?


Its been 5 days, please don't span in the comments. A month is 30 days btw if you didn't know lol



Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

maybe add mouse lock? that'd be better


I devinatly will. I think i actually did but it just aint working


Also you could probably add a slow mo mode.. Just come to me if you want ideas lol

(1 edit) (+1)

ayyyyyyyyyyyy great job dirt

been a while since we've talked but how are you?

ps: you could probably use the ragdolls for a rpg game maybe


Hi! Im good! How are you? Im just working on this game rn not dure if i will make a rpg game


I'm pretty good as well, and ok.


btw im wirking on a game for a jam rn so that will be on my itch in 5 days


kk, bet it's gonna be good


here it is:

hi dirt im catanana but i lost my account i made a new one im lou rayas aka catanana.

 is the game F I N I S H E D or what?